Expense reporting and management is one of the most important tasks that can add value to your core organizational functions. The parameters that determine the quality output of HR operations can be feasibly managed with the help and guidance of a well-defined expense management process.

Under the segment of employee expenses in a business model, the concept of reimbursement plays an important role. Its significance lies in the adoption of core strategies and techniques that add value to your organization’s expense-related activities. The importance of expense reimbursement depends on consistent management of the category throughout the business model’s existence.

This article sheds light on the crucial scope of deploying an employee expense reimbursement program in your organization. It helps you understand the concept, different types, core policies, and processes associated with the reimbursement niche.

The post covers the most important advantages of having a well-crafted reimbursement plan for your organization. It helps you analyze the optimum tips and techniques to follow in this regard.

When you consider the formal procedure to implement an expense reimbursement process in the firm, it is better to stay on top of various measures corresponding to the company policies. Discover more about the application of digital technology and automation innovations to optimize your reimbursement process.

What is An Employee Expense Reimbursement?

The concept of expense reimbursement in the case of employee expenses covers all work-related financial aspects. The eligibility criteria here is that the employee should have paid for a specific bill or expense that contributed to the organization’s professional activity. Here, the simple idea is that they get paid back by the company after due clarification and confirmation procedure from the HR team.

Though the process follows a simplistic model, expense reimbursement includes a unique and excellent feature. You have to consistently stay on top of the reimbursement process. It should be executed in alignment with the business objectives and company policies.

Report generation is an important part of employee expense management and corresponding reimbursement tactics. All expense reports should be tracked efficiently. Digital transformation solutions can add significant value to this effective HR operations workflow.

Submission of formal requests and corresponding approvals are part of the expense management process. The HR division has to oversee these tasks and ensure the appropriate reimbursement procedure. It falls under their duties and responsibilities to facilitate employee freedom or independence. Employee self-service portals are directly connected to your reimbursement management model.

Types of Expense Reimbursement

Though the general category of work-related expenses is part of the core HR platform operations, an important feature to consider is the type of reimbursement to adopt. When you consider the various types of reimbursement that a business model can follow, the optimum one is the standard reimbursement model described by the company.

If you want to go for custom types, other reimbursement models are present for your company to execute. The major ones are represented below:

Asset-related expenses

When your organization incurs cost expenses related to asset management in your business model, it comes under the category of asset expense.

Travel expense

Here, the expense value of business travel is taken into account. This includes all professional travel management undertaken by your employees for work-related purposes.

Food and accommodation expenses

All sorts of expenses related to your food, accommodation, and related expenses come under this category. It usually includes the provision for service-level workers.

Training support

If you provide training and development for your employees, it covers a certain expense that the organization should track and manage. Training-related expenses are part of the hiring and onboarding process.

Professional services

If your resources need an inflow of core professional services to manage their work, it incurs an expense and comes under the professional service cost.

Marketing and advertising channels

If you can work to promote marketing and advertising support for your business model, it can cover a range of expenses. This comes under the scope of reimbursement for your business.

Subscription models

Connecting and collaborating with various subscription models can boost your overall employee engagement and performance management. However, it could raise your expenses.

Specialized expenses

All sorts of miscellaneous expenses come under this category of expense management in an organization. It varies according to the organization, working profiles, and involved personnel.

Explaining the Process & Policy of Expense Reimbursement

When you are planning to implement an impactful expense reimbursement process, then the right procedure is to manage an empowering workflow. Some of the policies and process applications of this are given below for your reference:

Strictly work-related

Your employee reimbursement should follow a mandatory professional aspect. It should reflect the work expenses of the business model.

Generation of expense reports

You need to evaluate the status of company expenses and create an authentic report that deals with the various elements of individual expenses corresponding to a professional task.

Formal submission process

While planning to get reimbursement, it is important to get a formal process in place that can help you launch a clear and promising request to the concerned authorities.

Approval status

One factor that you should discover is the success percentage of the reimbursements in your organization. It helps you determine the approval and rejection status of a formal request.

Time and cost savings

When you work with expense reimbursement management, the importance of time and cost savings is an important factor. It helps you develop a prominent expense management process for your organization.

Creation Process of Expense Reimbursement in Organizations

The effective process of managing an expense reimbursement model in your organization is available in this section. It helps you to follow and manage an expense management process that connects well with your organization’s policies or guidelines. The major aspects that you should learn about this model are shown as follows:

Establish the expense policy

The first step is to establish and manage an entertaining expense policy for your organization. It helps your resources to learn more about the concept of reimbursement related to their company expenses.

Managing costs incurred

If you can work on the various costs incurred during the running of the organization, it can be classified and included under the domain of business management expenses. It should give you a database to understand the different costs.

Calculation of expenses

The next step is to calculate all the expenses on behalf of the organization. You can include them as part of the format request form.

Submission of report

You have to submit this report to the HR management team in the organization. It helps the concerned authorities to get a tactical idea regarding the core expense model of the company that can be subject to reimbursement.

Examination and approval

The penultimate step is the examination of the expense report and its subsequent approval or rejection based on facts and figures.

Reimbursement processing

Finally, you can process the approved expense reimbursement to the bank accounts of your employees. It helps you culminate the entire reimbursement workflow cycle.

Merits of Expense Reimbursement Procedure

The main advantages of following an exclusive expense reimbursement model are given below:

Simplifies financial management

The importance of core financial management in an organization could be of significance. If you can work with an optimum and qualified reimbursement process, it streamlines your finance functions.


Benefits regarding cost efficiency and time management are feasibly available when you work with a defined reimbursement process.

Guide to authorized employee expense

When you promote the values of an empowering and engaging employee expense model, it can act as a guide to your core HR management.

Streamlined cash flow

If you can work with effective reimbursement tactics, it could offer you a streamlined cash flow for meeting all the expenses and finance operations.

Better work culture

A strategic flow of finance reimbursement is the gateway for building a better work culture and positive professional relationships and environment. Studies show that you can improve employee satisfaction by up to 78% by providing instant reimbursements in your firm.

Prevention of misuse

If you can work with a genuine reimbursement model, then it can help you avoid misuse in the domain effortlessly.

Expense Reimbursement Best Practices

When you deal with the domain of expense reimbursement best practices, it is essential to stay on top of the concept with certain tips and techniques. The major hacks that can support you in this regard are:

Establishment of clear guidelines

The validity of a unique and extensive reimbursement model lies in working with guidelines and impactful policies that suit the organization.

Creation of effective policies

If you can work with the creation and development of effective policies, then the next step is the adoption of an active channel that can help your operations grow. Reimbursement techniques follow this model easily.


Your reimbursement process should be transparent in terms of workflow. It helps you build a trust flow with your employees.

Employee awareness

All resources should be fully aware of the various elements related to the reimbursement policies and guidelines in your organization. It helps the company to frame a quality expense management model.

Adequate feedback process

It is important to listen to the voices of your employees regarding various reimbursement schemes. They should be able to provide proper feedback and reviews with the essential inclusion of an engaging HR support process.

Navigation of HR services

If you can thoroughly navigate through the top-notch management of HR reimbursement objectives, it can elevate your organization’s financial performance.

Timing and paperwork

The factor of timing matters a lot in the niche of expense reimbursement. Similarly, you should go for proper documentation with minimal paperwork and optimum digitization measures.

Can Artify 360 Help with Your Expense Reimbursement Objectives?

The adoption of expense reimbursement objectives should be feasibly managed to get optimum support in the domain of finance and accounting solutions. The major aspects of this model can be effectively administered with the ideal inflow of digital technology tools and techniques.

Artify 360 cloud HR software is an excellent platform for building value in this specific domain with ease. Our online product is capable of implementing all expense management functions thoroughly. We can give you a genuine model that works with all custom solutions needed by the core HR department related to HRMS platform integrations and functions.

You can go with Artify HR payroll software to get the best benefits in the domain of expense management. All parameters related to expense handling and finance provisions should be strategically managed by the active and essential inflow of HR operations processes.

You can get on a demo session with us to get the optimum results of HR expense reimbursement with Artify. Our team can help you understand the best of the HR software systems under this use case.